Thursday, November 28, 2013

The trek to Naksan Park / Seoul Fortress 낙산공원

On my third day in Seoul, I decided to take it slow. No booked trips. No agendas. I wanted to explore Hyehwa and experience a typical, lazy day in the city.

I decided to take a trip to Naksan Park. Shanee helped me which direction to walk towards coming from the guesthouse.

I was interested to see the park because the walking trail runs along the walls of the Seoul Fortress. Seoul Fortress ( 한양도성 ) is pretty long, running 18.2km long. It was built in 1397 as protection from invaders and show the boundaries of the city (source: Wikipedia).

Baskin Robbins was on the way. I wanted to have ice cream but it was at 9AM and hella cold!!!

I didn't have a map or any clear directions on how to get there. I just know that I was heading to that mountain and that I needed to climb it to get to the park.

There's a Performing arts theatre / school that I happen to pass by.
I was just following a group of students, hoping that I will find the "Naksan Park" sign.

There was a cute cafe along the way that had the map of Naksan Park on the window of their shop.

I tried to decipher the trail. So yes, this became my map.

I swear, I wasn't kidding about the steep road climbs.

Finally!!! I had to pause to catch my breath! I was gasping for air when I got to the top. I do yoga but this was cross-fit extreme cardio level!

And so it begins!

It was actually a long way up. But the view was worth the climb!

Seoul Fortress wall

A little further down, there's an area with all these exercise equipments. (Yes, an exercise area…on top of the hill…after the steep climb).

Mostly old people doing their morning exercise. When I went to the Banpo bridge (반포대교) by the Han River for the light and fountain show, I also saw that they had these steel exercise machines at the Banpo park. It's really nice to see how the government promotes health and wellness, especially to the older crowd to keep them active.

Kaya pa ni lolo

Definitely not kidding about the climb. But it was all worth it! Fortress wall on the left of the walking trail.

Followed this old guy walking down. Didn't exactly know if this was the exit down.

Coffee break after my morning exercise!!

Another thing I love about Seoul are the coffee shops! They have A LOT! And I don't mean just the usual Starbucks & Coffee Bean coffee players. They have unique coffee shops in almost every corner. Fresh, quality coffee, and not the run-down kind. In this freezing weather, a warm cup of coffee can make my day!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

How Kimchi won back my heart…and my tastebuds

I wasn't a fan of kimchi.

I shove it under my "Acquired taste" category, along with wasabi and caviar. You will only begin to like it if you keep eating it, or if you have grown accustomed to it.

The reason why I don't like the taste is because I first tried it here in the Philippines. How they make kimchi back home is a bit on the sour side. So kimchi didn't make a good first impression on me.

But when I got to Seoul, my first encounter eating kimchi was that first fateful night, when I decided to (unknowingly) devour a huge bowl of really spicy Korean seafood soup! Kimchi then served as a palate cooler for my tastebuds.

So I said, why not give my 'saviour' another chance?

After my trek to Naksan Park, I decided to give kimchi another shot. They say second impressions are better than the first.

I happened to pass by this restaurant on the way to Naksan Park. I took a photo of it in case I got lost and it would be easier for me to just show the photo to a random stranger to help me find it.

I'm still learning Hangul, because of a promise I made to my Korean friends I met during my trip. But I think the first 2 blocks/characters are Shiam Shiam or Siam Siam. YAY for progress!! If someone can read the other blocks, that would be great! Hanggang basic vowels and consonants palang ako!

What attracted me to this restaurant was the picture menu in their drop-down banner display! Didn't have a clue what it was but it looked yummy! Red is always yummy and mouth-watering. So I just assumed it was Kimchi soup.

When I entered the restaurant, the friendly Ajumma greeted me and asked me something in Korean. They didn't have menus and no menu pictures at all inside the restaurant. So I had to drag her outside just to point at the banner that I wanted that set menu (kinaladkad ko lang naman si ate palabas kasi mahirap na mag-explain).

And OH MY GOD, it was TDF!!! It was… Amore!

The kimchi soup was served in a special pot that let's the soup boil for several minutes. It was a perfect compliment to the rice with seaweed.

Parang I felt wrapped in that warm, cuddly goodness especially during the really cold weather.

I couldn't finish my meal, so I went to the counter to pay. The Ajumma (who I dragged out of the resto), asked me something in Korean and kept pointing at my table. I assumed she was asking me if I liked it. OR, maybe it was rude to not finish my food? I didn't really know. I got panicky at some point. I just nodded, rubbed my tummy and gave her a thumbs up and the biggest grin and said "really good!"

She then smiled with relief. So maybe my first assumption was correct (wala nang right or wrong answers dito. Kung ano nalang ang in-assume yun na ang tama HAHA!).

Oh it was a perfect meal! A perfect discovery! And a perfect love-affair ending, with Kimchi!

Now my problem…finding really good kimchi soup in the metro!

Petite France 쁘띠프랑스

Driving through the place, you will see clusters of colorful mediterranean-like houses on one side of the rolling hills. Welcome! You have arrived at a quaint little French Village in the middle of the Korean countryside.

This was a dream come true!!! Being in a place paying homage to The Little Prince! I felt like I was walking through a storybook. All those little details, all those illustrations seeing it come to life was surreal!

It is about a 20-minute drive from the Gapyeong port to Petite France. This is the perk of booking the Packaged tour with Yong. Since this is an out of town (out of Seoul City) trip, it would be ideal to visit more places aside from Nami Island.

We drove through splendid views of the mountain-side. It was even nice to see trees that have turned bright Autumn colors.

And we have arrived!!

After paying for the entrance fee (krW8,000), you are then greeted with this picturesque scene. 

Me with the Little Prince
 Petite France is like a cultural village with antique finds, quaint cafes, french rooms where you can actually stay in (like a guesthouse), amphitheatre, souvenir shops, and an exhibit hall showcasing and celebrating the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

One of the houses that showcases antique items.

These are like the Love of Locks at N Seoul Tower. Korea is such a romantic place.

Puppets and dolls. Creepy yet fascinating. Ayoko lang magpaiwan sa kwartong madilim with these.

Super love this!


This guy was hilarious riding on the poor little lamb. His wife was laughing while taking this photo

This is how it's done, para child friendly!



This kid had the most awesome timing! Sakto pag picture kumaway sa akin haha! (he waved at me when the photo was snapped)

French restaurant and souvenir shop

Exhibit hall to commemorate the work of Saint-Exupery.

Arena Theatre

The visit to Korea won't be complete without this!